Annual Keri-Keri Ram Sale
60 June/July 2007 drop Keri-Keri rams were offered for sale.
The sale rams average : Micron 17.46, SD 2.83, CV% 16.2, CF% 99.9.
58 rams sold at an average of $1,023.28.The two top priced rams were sold for $2,200.00. Each of the rams went to separate purchasers.
Lot 9 - $2,200.00 to GN & TA Rumph.
Lot 50 - $2,200.00 to HS & ML Muller.
With such hard, cold & dry conditions continuing here at home, we are sure the rams were glad to have to chance to move to "greener pastures". This was the case - with a wide variety of purchasers. Whilst most of the rams are staying in NSW they are spread far and wide - they also went to a range of places in the other states of Victoria, South Australia and Queensland.
Again, thank you to those who supported and continue to support our sales. This year putting together a line of rams has been extremely challenging as in previous years the rams haven't needed any supplementary feeding, however with drought conditions now biting very hard we had to feed hay over the last couple of months just so the rams would make it through to the sale. So thank you for your trust in their genetics.
All rams are guaranteed and we welcome feedback on how they perform.
Thank you to all those who helped and were involved with the sale.
Good luck to all for the remainder of the season.