Argentinian Visit

Estas oveja habla para si mismos - “These sheep speak for themselves”

In August 2004, a busload of Argentinean sheep breeders descended on Keri-Keri.

The visit was included in a tour of Australian sheep properties and woollen mills, organised by Dr. Jim Watts and the SRS wool company.

The visitors were taken on a tour of the property in two local small school buses, as we felt it was important that they got to see first-hand how ‘tough’ some of the land can be, away from the house and woolshed.

They are very particular on feet and mouths – due to the harshness of their terrain. Like Keri -Keri, their sheep must be able to thrive and survive in tough conditions. They are very sharp on figures, change in micron produced, and profitability.

After lunch, the remainder of the afternoon was spent with running sale rams, Keri -Keri sires, wethers, ewes and lambs into races and the entire group classing them how they saw fit, with pegs on different parts of the sheep to highlight different aspects.

